How to Complete an Application/Apply for Funding | Scribe

How to Complete an Application/Apply for Funding

  • 119 steps |
  • 13 minutes
  • AgatesoftwareAgatesoftware

Log In

Navigate to <>
Enter "**Username**" & "**Password**" and click "**Log In**".

My Opportunities

On the Homepage, navigate to the "**My Opportunities**" panel to search open grant applications.
Select the "**Name**" of the grant opportunity you would like to apply for.
A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm if you would like to create an application. If yes, click "**Proceed**". If no, click "Cancel".
The system will navigate you to the "**Document Landing Page**" of the application where it provides you with important information such as: - Template (or Application Name) - Document Name (or Application ID/Number), and the - Document Status There is also a progress bar to let you know what stage of approval process your application is in.
To begin the application, navigate to the left menu under the "Forms" section. You must complete each of the sub sections (Application Forms, Budget Forms, and Required Attachments) to submit the application (a.k.a. changing the status to "Application Submitted")


To begin the application, click "Applicant Agency" in the left menu section.
The system will alert you to any existing errors, warnings, and/or uncompleted fields or questions on the page. Proceed and complete all the required questions and fields on the page. **Note**: Remember to click "**Save**" to save the progress on the form so you can come back at later time/date to complete it.
Note, if you select no to "Is your mailing address the same..." the system will require the "Physical Address" which will be automatically displayed. If the address fields are blank after you have saved the page, please visit the "Additional Information" page on your "Organization's Profile" to enter your physical address. If your program requires that your physical address remain confidential (ex. domestic violence shelter) select "Yes".
If your agency is under the administrative authority of another agency which is responsible for handling the fiscal matters of your organization's activities (accepting of grant awards, accounting, etc.), select "Yes".
If the "Authorized Agency" is blank, please visit and complete the "**Authorized Agency Information**" page on your Organization's Profile.
Once you've completed all the questions on the page, click the save button located at the top right of the page and come back later to complete or click "**Next Form**" at the bottom of the page to save and continue to the next page in the application.


Complete the "**Designation of Grant Officials**" page by entering the contact information for your organizations Project Director, Financial Officer, and Authorized Official.
Once you've completed all the questions on the page, click the save button located at the top right of the page and come back later to complete or click "**Next Form**" at the bottom of the page to save and continue to the next page in the application.